Live like you were dyin'
The Fund
Why Me Lord


Tyler and the Fund

Tyler Sampson Silent Hero Memorial Fund was started to help Tyler’s family & friends with the needless loss of a young man and the acknowledgement of an unfinished life. As the website evolves you will hopefully get to know the Tyler we all knew and loved. The memorial fund is a means to allow Tyler to continue to make a difference in this world.

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You will learn that Tyler did not lose his life but that it was viciously taken. P.A.V.E. (People Against Violence Everywhere) will document the outrages proceedings within the idiosyncrasies of the Canadian justice system. We hope to move you to demand answers and possibly change to a system that needs transformation.


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Why Me Lord

Why Me Lord is a Christian mother’s attempt to comprehend the worst tragedy a parent can face. It is a search and maybe insight into how God could let this happen. My prayer would be that no parent should ever lose a child but if you have we hope this website may also give you some small peace and to help you keep breathing after such a loss.

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